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Writer's pictureNatasha YAMAMURA

How can Macroalgae Mitigate Climate Change?

Updated: Apr 22

The triple planetary challenges of climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss continue to have a profoundly negative and dangerous impact, and as much specific action as possible is required to mitigate the risks. Why? Because without urgent action, fossil fuels will continue to lead to the warming of the Earth’s atmosphere, causing the oceans to heat up and leading to a decrease in pH level known as ocean acidification

There are numerous wide-ranging attempts to directly address these challenges, one of which is seaweed farming.

What is Macroalgae?

Macroalgae, commonly referred as seaweed or kelp, are ocean plants with energy-producing and high co2 absorption capabilities (achieved through a natural process of photosynthesis).  Macroalgae are well-known for their rapid growth rates and survivability in varying conditions (Polikovsky et al., 2020).

Through carbon dioxide absorption (or sequestration), macroalgae have the ability to reverse the effects of climate change, for example, they can increase the pH of water to combat ocean acidification.

What is a Macroalgae Farm?

A macroalgae farm is a system of floating buoys and ropes that have seeded algae attached to them. Farms can be designed and established off-shore or on-shore using several methods. One method requires a simple free-floating structure, with weights and anchors to stabilize the algae to a particular location in the water. Another method involves using a net cultivation system. With this method, nets are seeded “artificially” under controlled conditions. For each method, conditions are set and monitored throughout the seeding process to maximize the quantity and quality of biomass production. Environmental factors, such as water quality and biodiversity improvement are closely tracked throughout the cultivation and harvesting phases.

So, how can we at Algae Scope not only play our part, but also help others to play their part too?

Algae Scope works with local regions and farmers to develop coastal seaweed farms to help regenerate the ocean and create natural biomass for use by local industries.

We solve two key problems for our clients. The first relates to polluted water. Our seaweed solutions cleanse the water, removing toxins and contaminants, reducing microplastics and improving biodiversity. The second relates to our clients' critical need to de-fossilise production processes and produce bio-based alternatives (fuel or materials) in a sustainable and cost-effective way. If our clients fail to resolve these problems, then we will continue to see increasing global temperatures and extreme climate events.

In future blogs, we will talk more about the types of bioproducts that we create, and the processes through which they are developed.

For further information about macroalgae farming and bioproduct creation, please reach out to us via the contact section of our website or via any member of the team on LinkedIn.

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